J C Atkinson website development

Design of 8 interconnected product and company websites 2023 - 2024 Print

J C Atkinson are the UK’s leading manufacturer and distributor of coffins and caskets and promote environmentally responsible innovation and product development within the industry.

This followed a company wide branding audit and addressed many of the issues raised in the branding review. The aim was to update the existing company website to better showcase the large range of products and services of J C Atkinson.

It was agreed that the existing website didn't cater well for either the B2B or B2C audience, lacked focus and detail, and had a very complicated and confusing navagation system. As a result I propsed a network of 9 microsites, one for each of the product ranges, one for the company itself and a landing site that that directed the viewer quickly to the right content. All sites would be built with clear navagtion and uniform hierachy so that visitors were able to transverse the network of sites seamlessly. It was important that all products could be found within 3 mouse clicks of the main landing page. 

Each microsite is now structured so that Funeral Directors can quickly access and present product ranges directly to families via a tablet or laptop when assisting with funeral arrangements. Once logged in, Funeral Directors are also able to access J C Atkinson's product ordering portal. Those without customer access, as well as the general public, are  provided with appropriate resources and ways in which to find (or become) partners.

In order to keep the project moving forward during the 9 month duration , each site was created as a wireframe in Adobe XD. Once all breakpoints, navagation, imagery and styling for the different sites and respective screen sizes were added, each complete model was delivered to the in-house web developer at J C Atkinson, and attention was turned to the next installment.

Content management - Jamie Luckley
Website and UI design - James Symonds
Coding - James McClusky

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